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Kauai - pure paradise

I've always heard how out of all the Hawaiian islands Kauai is the most magical so when the stars alined for me that I was going to get to celebrate one of my best babes turning 30 while on a trip to visit my husband working away on location in the city she lives in I was beyond stoked, also because that city just so happens to be Honolulu! So once I broke the news to her I would be in town over her big birthday we obviously decided we had to take a weekend trip to a neighboring island. So girls trip to Kauai it was!

Sheraton Kauai Resort

Island hooping is so quick and super fun plus landing at the charming laid back Lihue Airport puts you immediately in vacation mode.

Of course my birthday girl Keels had to rent the tourist of all tourist cars... a convertible. I'm still rolling my eyes over it hahaha but it did end up being super fun to put the top down and enjoy the island air.

From the airport we headed over to the first place we were staying in Princeville near Hanalei Bay. We were planning to hike the Na Pali Coast the next day.

On our way over we stopped by an adorable juice shop called Kauai Juice Co. where we took insane elixir shots and downed house made kombuchas! FYI that we didn't know (also didn't ask) contained alcohol until I started telling Keely I felt tipsy and couldn't understand why... LOL lesson learned at 9AM always ask!

Kauai Juice Co
Kauai Juice Co

Shaved ice is a required stop of course.

wishing well shave ice

Our first night there we had a delicious dinner at the St. Regis and went to bed early so we could hike the Na Pali Coast in the morning.

Kalalau Trail

We hiked the Kalalau Trail starting at Ke'e beach going about 3 miles to the Hanakapi'ai beach where you cross an at times extremely dangerous river that runs into the ocean. From there you go about another 3 miles to the magical Hanakapi'ai Waterfall.

Hanakapi'ai beach
Hanakapi'ai beach

Hiking has always been one of my favorite things, something about knowing your going somewhere beautiful intentionally is a great feeling and immediately makes me grateful to be alive. Keely loves hiking probably even more than I do in fact she even told me on this hike its her favorite hobby, more so seeing the view from the top makes it most worth it to her. But thats one of the special things about hiking, doing it with friends, people you love, and getting to learn about each other, learn things you thought you already knew about someone yet a new light is shed on old friendships. Hiking is hard, amazing, and beautiful, it teaches you about yourself in ways you wouldn't always learn. Getting the opportunity to do this with Keely was once in a life time and something I will always cherish. Getting all deep and sappy while writing this thinking about how much we talked about and the beautiful things we saw while hiking touches my soul but also cracks me up because we were just two chicks sweaty and gross juggin along a dirt trail.

Na Pali Coast

Always chasing waterfalls.

Hanakapi'ai Waterfall
Hanakapi'ai Waterfall

When you get there you HAVE TO JUMP IN! It makes the whole hike so worth it and its so much fun. We were cracking up the entire time swimming around the waterfall. I have a huge fear of fish touching me and for some reason I started freaking out immediately that something was going to get me as soon as I jumped in the water. Of course nothing did get me but I started panicking and screaming and Keely was just dying laughing at me and all the other people there I think thought I was being attacked by something or a complete freak. Either way I made it out alive thankfully and nothing touched me.

Hanakapi'ai Waterfall

This hike will always stand out to me and I hope that one day I'll get to do it again. From the waterfall its about 6 miles back to the car and then we went to stuff our faces at the Sushi Girl. It is the last store in the last town before getting to the start of the Na Pali Coast at Ke'e Beach or the first stop on your way back but O M G is it delicious! Seriously I dream about Sushi Girl! Its a little hole in the wall, walk up and order sushi heaven. They are all about local, fresh, and organic, all things I love and appreciate in a restaurant. I got the "Sushi Burrito" and I don't know if it was that I had just hiked so much I was starving or it was literally the best sushi I had ever had... probably really was the best considering I was in Kauai. Bottom line eat there if you ever get the chance and you can thank me later.

Queens Bath

We were there the first week in October which was the start of big wave season which is always super cool to see how insanely powerful the ocean is but unfortunately was a little bummer on timing for us because we didn't get to fully enjoy some of what the island has to offer like Queens Beach and taking a boat ride up the Na Pali Coast due to the fact that the waves are just way too dangerous during that time of year. We did the little hike to Queens Bath after our big hike to Hanakapi'ai Waterfall, although we couldn't get in the baths it was still awesome to watch the waves ragging. We finished up the evening sipping white wine, running for our lives from aggressive geese, laughing till we cried, and watching the sunset over the cliffs at Princeville where we were staying.

In the morning we hit Hanalei Bread Company for breakfast which was super delicious and offered so many gluten free options for Keels who's intolerant. Next up was the must do open door helicopter tour of the island!!! Beyond an amazing and beautiful experience. We did our tour with Jack Harter Helicopter Tours and they fully impressed us!

helicopter tour
helicopter tour
helicopter tour
helicopter tour
helicopter tour
helicopter tour
helicopter tour
helicopter tour

Our last night on this gorgeous island we stayed at The Sheraton Kauai on the south shore. The next morning we drove out to look over the Grand Canyon of Hawaii before catching our flight back to Honolulu.

So yes Kauai lives up to its laid-back magical hype. Taking this little weekend trip with Keely we squeezed so much into our short adventure time and really had such a special and unforgettable time together. I love that we've been friends since we were 5 and are now going into our 30s together having friends that are family is beyond important to me and one on one time together is so healthy, for me at least but also teaches me so much about myself and for that I am thankful for friendships and trips like this. I've always heard that a true test of any relationship is if you can travel with that person. Good things Keels and I have been traveling together for years! Thanks Keels for living in Hawaii, wanting to go to Kauai, and turning 30!

I feel in love and can't wait to go back! Aloha till I see you again!



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